
We welcome new Members to BRIC! 

Please note that in order to join BRIC, you must be a resident of Basking Ridge or Bernards

Your Membership renews Annually and each new term starts from January and ends in December.

Membership Benefits:

  • Membership is designed to allow like-minded community members to show their support for BRIC’s mission and establish a strong connection with the LOCAL community.

  • A membership also gives you an opportunity to meet folks in the community, as well as neighbors & volunteers.

  • It’s a great way to join and support local initiatives (explore our Events [link] to see recent work)

  • Members also receive communication of all BRIC sponsored events.

  • Plus, Exclusive access to Members only events.

    • First access and a discount to buy tickets for all ticketed events.

    • Access to a community directory – get info on leading service providers, businesses, and other valuable info.