Holi 2018 Vendor Application Form

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Holi 2018 Vendor Application Form
Holi 2018 is here and  BRIC is hosting a community wide event. We anticipate a large number of people attending this event on April 28th 2018, from 10-5PM at Burnt Mills Park, Bedminister. Interested vendors, please fill this form in its entirety. If mailing checks, please make payable to "Basking Ridge Indian Community." You can also use our Pay Pal system to pay online. Each vendor will receive one free ticket to the Holi celebration.

Email your images in JPEG/PDF format to info@bricnj.com.
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* Indicates required question
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Rules and Regulations
Note: No refunds if payments are received after April 1st 2018.  Sale of products/services not identified in the application form are not permitted. Sharing of booths is not permitted. Alcohol and meat is prohibited at the event. Management reserves the right to cancel the event and refund the payment and to reject vendor application. I understand that BRIC is not responsible for loss, theft or damage of my property. I will abide by the rules and regulations set by BRIC and will not hold BRIC liable for anything.
Note:  If you have signed up for a Table Space, Please bring your own table.
Vendor's  Name *
Your answer
Product/Services *
Your answer
Phone *
Your answer
Email *
Your answer
Vendor's Signature *
Your answer
Mail your checks, (payable to Basking Ridge Indian Community), to any of these addresses. To pay online, please open the link in the confirmation page.
Ameetha Ramesh - 5 Watchung Drive, Basking Ridge 07920

Sundari Rao - 5 Ross Lane, Basking Ridge 07920

Anita Koppala - 30 Musket Drive, Basking Ridge 07920

Phone: 201-771-BRIC
email: info@bricnj.com
Website: www.bricnj.com
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About Basking Ridge Indian Community

We are a group of Basking Ridge residents hailing from India or are of Indian descent. As Indians living in the United States, we want our children to experience our rich cultural heritage. This group has been formed to celebrate our arts, folklore, festivals, and traditions together as a community.

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